Thursday, September 30, 2010

Window Dressing

I've mentioned before that some of  the newer parts of the house lack the molding, of the older parts, so I've tried to add  character. 

In the master bath, we salvaged outside window trim. Now, for the kitchen I'm using a piece of old tin ceiling trim...

I just need a little valance to hide the blind.  We usually keep the blind pulled up, but like the option, when the sun is too bright. I had some spare clips around from the master bath, so just took them off the ring and someone actually gave me the tin trim which already had perfectly spaced out holes for the clip hook to thread through!  Pretty much a free deal, And...
Wa Laa! 

A few days ago, my friend, Laurel posted her one of a kind ideas for window dressings, and boy was I glad. You may already know Laurel, as a contributor on Junkmarket Style, but she hasn't been blogging long, so go check her out and give her some bloggy love! Laurel really inspired me to get busy.  That's why I thought this would be a fitting inspiration post for:

Go on over and check it out, lots of inspiring posts, for sure! 

Now, to find the perfect little snippet for a curtain. Don't you just love these little clips? Potentially anything can become an instant curtain...

Well, it's curtains for me~hee hee, Good Night! 


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Crowned At Last!

~Yes, after many years, the old girl, 
my Victorian dining room,
has been crowned at last, 
and the pictures don't do it justice~

 I'm a little worried, she's so uppity, with her new Coronation, and all, that my junk might not fit in, so maybe my junk will need a little sprucing up, before being fit, for the Queen!
Nay, she'll just have to adjust, 
along with the rest of her subjects family,
tee hee!

View, from the next project
our living room

View from the kitchen, 
YES, I know the fan is a hot mess, 
...looking into a new one, 
yet to decide...
For one, I picked, quite modern, light fixtures,
for the kitchen, 
so still pondering...
contemplating, the double fan at Lowe's, 
with a rubbed bronze finish and a white fixture. I don't particularly care for the white fixture, but I have a similar white pendant light,
on the bar, which separates the areas.
Wondering, if it will give off enough light?

And don't any of you Northerners, lol, 
even suggest not having a fan! 

Number 1. 
William wouldn't go for it, 
while he compromises ,
letting me do many crazy, 
at least to him, things around here, 
there is where, his line is drawn!
Number 2. 
For y'alls information, 
it is still high 90's 'round here!
Therefore, while I can envision, all sorts of lovelies, hanging from that ceiling, 
including, yet not only, an old rusty bed spring, 
THE fan wins out! 

for just a little miracle, that makes me smile.

While finishing up our kitchen, 
more cabinet doors were added.
Finally,making it complete. 
Without ever any counting or planning, plus all the years in between installing the first cabinets, until now, it just so happens...
We have four knobs left, 
just enough for the job! 


LoVe to all you cold weather dwellers,

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special

Friday, September 17, 2010

Party's Over

If you've gotten used to my Party on the 16th of each month, I'm sorry, but can't do it for now... I don't have the energy to put into it and would not want to post the party and not be able to visit everyone...but hope to be back, sometime.  I've so enjoyed your posts and all the wonderful conversation, just the way a party should be!

I'm posting a picture of Moma...I have more pics on my blog, but some were asking to see her...She got a perm right after this picture and I'm sure she would have rather me post that one, but I want to show her with the arch my brother built her. It is a real Prior Life piece.  The posts came from the little farm house that raised her, and the top is a salvaged baby bed.  It means so much to her, if only those post could tell their story...
 Moma only wieghs about 95 pounds, dripping wet! 

Look at all the cars in the background, at my sister's house...I told you we have big get togethers!
Moma's lived the life many of you, on these blogs, are living right now, She sat up at Market and Edom, when it was a new thing, and various other places, including First Monday and Town East Mall.  She still dreams of doing creative things...and at 85 she still earns pay from work, through her weekly newspaper article, but of all the things she does, she will tell you the best and most cherished is the quiet time she spends with her Savior every morning, and all the day long. Let me tell you, as she ages, I am so comforted that she knows what the future holds for her.

Here is the other side of her "Smidgen Shop"
Now, here are a few pics of what we have going on...

This is my dining room ceiling...I know, I know, I need a new fan, but that's for later...We have been working on this old place for 13 years, While raising 5 kids,  but one of the first things my husband did was to tear down about three ceiling to get back to the, at least 12 foot, original ceiling...beautiful wide planks..Tomorrow, this dining room will have dentil crown molding, yee haw...I can't wait.

My laundry room, kitchen, dining room, and living room are all one  area, another thing my husband did years ago, but we never finished it out... Now new floors, baseboards and paint.
( blonde beauty ~ Olympic)
I wanted a light color, because, there is not much natural light, plus dark floors throughout, also dark ceiling in dining area part.

My house has lots of different ceiling heights and the living room part is sunken. I like the quirkiness, but I know it wouldn't do for some.

Dining room...this will look different all painted up!

Looking at kitchen from dining area...

We put these floors upstairs, too. Remember my little spot, upstairs? 
They are vinyl planks...and I love them!
I want to paint some of my wood floors, but that is another post... and another project.

So everything is a big mess, but progress is being made!~


Monday, September 6, 2010

Easy Peasy!

Just thought I would post a little something I used last year, at Thanksgiving. I know it is early, but it will be here, before we know it!
I usually have Thanksgiving for my husband's family, around 45 to 60 show up. 

Easy Peasy is the only way to go. While making a pea salad, the graphics on the pea cans caught my eye...

This year I am flipping with my sister in law, though, and will have Christmas, for both William's and my side, each are huge...I love our family.

This buffet was in my home growing up. I love the lines. I stripped it, but let part of it stay out in the weather, as a result the top  was split and it had a broken door front.  Josh fixed it and put oil based paint on it.

If you want to see more pics of the
"Fan of Photos" just click it.

We are doing some major fixing up around here, so if I don't post much~ Just know I haven't dropped off the Earth, lol.  

Full House,

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.
DIY has a party going on!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

8 Questions~????????~

 Beyond the Garden Gate sent me 8 questions to answer, 
so here goes!!!

1. Who had the biggest impact on your life and why?

Moma, because she raised me to trust God and treat people right. She is an example to our whole family, showing us that loving each other as Christ loves us is what makes a person happy and satisfied.

2. Of all the teachers you had in school, who was your favorite and why?

Mrs. Grubbs in 3rd grade, because she gave me, the shy girl, the lead in the play.

3. What is your favorite bubble bath/ bath salts?

Don't have a favorite~

4. How much time a day do you spend traveling to work and what do you do in that time?

Maybe three minutes~ I usually put on my lip stick.

5.  What was the very first concert you ever went to and would you see them again now?

I've never really been to a big concert, I don't think?  But I like lots of music...Rod Stewart, maybe! lol

6. Of all the things you have bought at rummage sales or thrift shops, which one is your favorite all time find and why?

Hardest question yet! So much too choose from~ hmmm... Probably a trash find actually: a metal sign or a Coca Cola bench...

7. If you could start all over and be what you want to be, what profession would you pick now that you are older and wiser?

Maybe a window dresser or set designer

8. Of all the talents that you have, which one is your all time favorite and why?

Decorating with junk finds and using them in a different way and decorating for parties. It is my favorite, because it is different than anyone else, even a fellow junkers, and you can throw a really cool party, very economically, by just using things around the house.  It touches a creative side in me that I always felt, but didn't know how to show it, because I am not an artist, but still feel a need to create. I also love words~ like short sayings and stories or just letters.

Now, by the rules I am suppose to pass this on to 8 other folks, but I'm just gonna' pass it on to anyone who wants to play along~ Go  here to get your questions, or just make up 8 of your own ! I think it will be fun to read a little more about you!

 All questioned out~But here's a little junkin' jaunt~

 Rusted to perfection...

and all blinged out, just the way I like my junk!

Without the top, I could see this as a tree stand, 
or with Christmas lights in it, 
what a pretty pattern it would make!!!
