~My sister, Suzette did the Polar Bear Table~
again, imagine all the candles are lit.
Suzette's son said he'd tried to pick up his kids toys at her house, but couldn't find the toy box...
She tapped this wooden box while chuckling, " Yeah, here is the toy box!"
~ Nothing is safe around us! We definitely love to repurpose!~
& nothing else would have displayed the wreath so perfectly.
Mostly the theme that ran throughout the room was
song sheets and polar bears...
keeping with the neutrals made it seem peaceful,
even with being filled from floor to ceiling.
Which, I've stated, "Floor to Ceiling" was my goal!
Check out those lovely paper flowers!
The table had been a blond 80's sofa table,
The table had been a blond 80's sofa table,
bought at a Goodwill store for 3.99.
It had some glass on top that didn't fit, nor belong...
Sandra fixed it up with bead board and distressed white paint.
Suzette made the flowers and I dyed, cut, and with the help of Suzette's grand kids
glued hundreds of Christmas song sheet chains.
glued hundreds of Christmas song sheet chains.
They are so perfect to hide cords, along with keeping our theme highlighted throughout the room.
The Santa is available at the Victorian Lady Tea Room.
over all view
Now, more details...
One day, I was bored making plain chains, so I made one with chains hanging down and then I saw the perfect spot to put it. Everything just found the right spot, it seemed!
Even the carolers & Santa have song sheets!
little birdies on the lamp
These acorns are huge.
Suzette's grand daughter gathered them from her yard. Reminding me again, nothing we can make ever beats
God's creation.
Years ago, my mom collected this twig tree, from someone's yard. In a "prior life" they were shrubs, maybe? She did have around four of them. I have always loved them. We hung a single bird from a branch, with some mercury glass ornaments on the plant stand.
Love the horse Suzette repainted...
Do y'all think horses are a new trend?
Just wondering. I'm always curious to see what might be marketed next...It's a fun guessing game trying to spot the next trend. So, I'll predict horses, lol. It's all silly, really.
Nothing was safe from the decoupage, bling or the song sheets!
The whole White polar bear scene
looked as if it would be cold to the touch...
the woodsy elements cozied it up.
last pic, but certainly not the least sentiment
Merry Christmas!
I'm joining the party~
Vintage Inspiration Friday!
We did the whole place in shades of White, with some neutral ~ nature and rust...lol, isn't rust everyone's neutral...

~come on!to the White Party!
Even though it was mostly white, the room was very glittery and festive!
I'm joining the party~
Vintage Inspiration Friday!
We did the whole place in shades of White, with some neutral ~ nature and rust...lol, isn't rust everyone's neutral...
~come on!to the White Party!
Even though it was mostly white, the room was very glittery and festive!
the pictures look great. I'm sure your pictures don't do it justice...In person would have been better.
I was almost gonna get to come...but we went to visit Honey's brother in Dallas (who had just gotten home from being hospitalized) ...and we wrecked our car!
We're just gonna have to make our own appointment to meet sometime!
Yes, we are!
Lezlee, this is awesome! I need to come and see all of this! I would spend hours in a place like this and be ticked when they kicked me out at closing time.
Hugs- Tete
WOW, Lezlee, I am smitten. I love the acorns, the twig tree and the polar bears so much! What an awesome display.
I hope all the hard work that went into was appreciated by those taking the tour. I would love to have seen it in person. Maybe next year .......
Your displays look amazing-especially like the polar bear one!
what a lovely table, Such pretty things! Love the whole thing.
Everything is wonderful. The table is great and there are so many creative ideas here! Great pictures too.
Very pretty! ~Cheers Kim
Just beautiful Those GIANT acorns are so cool!!
You are the trend setter, my friend. Everything is simply gorgeous.
The acorns are humongous! Better wear a hard hat if you are going to hang out under the tree that those came from. They could knock you out cold.
Very, very lovely!
Toys for Christmas 2010 , This is just a small taste of some of the must-have toys for Christmas 2010.great blog!
I would have loved to have been there, Lezlee! Everything looked so sparkly and festive! Great job!
What an amazing and beautiful winter wonderland...very inspiring!
Those are giant acorns!
This week I found some wonderful wooden acorn caps that may be about that size. Nothing I make will be a good as nature.
You have inspired me to make paper chains.
And carefully packed away is my polar bear collection. I may bring one or two out for the season.
Very inspiring.
Wow! That looks amazing. Nothing is safe around my house either!! Ha!
Love the acorns, my favorite items. Yup, Gods creations of nature are the best to decorate with.
Happy Holidays
Everything looks absolutely gorgeous... I especially love the birds nest and the acorns!!!
Blessings~~ Daphne
How pretty everything is! What a lovely display.
Love every bit of it Lezlee, the white and naturals are just gorgeous! Love the song sheets and polar bears! So glad you shared it with all of the VIF partiers!
Hi Lezlee,
I have been taking peeks, just so busy & sooo tired that I haven't stopped to comment. I'm hoping to get more time this weekend to catch up from the beginning! Thanks for stopping by and I'll be posting more pic's soon!
I have a little surprise for you too! You'll just have to wait and see!
Laurie :)
Oh my gosh, this is stunning! I love all of the sheet music! And the caroling couple is beautiful! I've never seen anything like them! I can tell alot of time and love went into creating such a magical scene!!
It's all wonderfully white and beautiful!!
Tammy :-)
I adore the polar bear display, such a unique way to showcase them. Have a wonderful weekend!
Hi love lady I love all your polar bears,It look like a wonderful place to just set and have a cup of Hot Chocolate let's not for get the cool whip sweet lady. Im your newest follower on your blog. I HOPE to see you soon and have a Great Evening.
Wow! What beautiful displays of talent! The detail is so unique and welcoming. I could spend a day just gawking! I can't pick a favorite item, they are all just so nice. Great job!
Lezlee, Merry Christmas! What a beautiful winter vignette! I'm smitten with the natural elements like the twig tree and the acorns, and in awe of the transformation of that Goodwill sofa table. I love the creative sheet music touch on the courting candle as well! So many creative inspirations!
What kind of tree produced those acorns? I know it's Texas, but unbelievable!
Y'all did such a wonderful job! Merry Christmas!
This is absolutely gorgeous! I'll be coming back to this photo ALONE for inspiration!
Happy New Year!
This is all just gorgeous sweetie.
Off to look around more.
blessings for he new year.
barbara jean
This is so fun-I could just keep looking and not see it all!
Rust is my neutral! Love all that white...so dreamy and perfectly vintage goodness!
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