This is a portable wrapping station.
My daughter saw a similar idea in Better Homes and Gardens and thought it would be a great gift idea for her husband's employees. Luckily a good friend owns the local D.Q. and ordered us some drink take out boxes. Jodi ordered the wine boxes on line.
Here's all you need:
Wine box, take out drink box, rolls of wrapping paper, tape, labels, bows, ribbon snow stamp, hole punch, paper hole protectors, you could use rivets, but these were easier and more economical. Really whatever and however you want to decorate or put in it would work. Jodi matched all the ribbons, wrapping and bows, really well. She added a tag that said,
"Thanks for wrapping up a great year!"
Jodi got the idea a couple of years ago, so fortunately was able to buy wrapping supplies on clearance. She had fun and I think the employees appreciated the time and thought that went into the gifts! She made around 20, if I remember correctly. Since the over all theme of my blog is using things differently than they were used in their Prior Life, I thought y'all would enjoy this! I am joining the party at Go on over and it will inspire you not to procrastinate about Christmas projects that you have in mind!
May the Christmas Spirit be with you all year!

another great party!